take tips from the skincare routines of these awesome …

I've always cared about the clarity and quality of the skin on my face, probably with more emotional investment than is strictly appropriate.My dad taught me to splash my face with water and lather my cheeks in sunscreen when I was quite little, and he always promised I'd thank him one day (I have).But skincare can be a really important gesture chairs of self-acceptance and what we would now, of course, call 'self-care'.
It is, for so many people, a daily ritual of kindness to themselves, something they do purely for them.This is why my bathroom cabinet is crammed full of lotions and potions, gels and creams.This is why my boyfriend spends two minutes in the bathroom cleaning his teeth and I languish in there for like 15, preparing my face at both ends of the day.
While I've become invested in my own skincare routine, I've also developed this great, hungry curiosity about other women's.If it seems at all polite to do so, I'll ask anyone what they slap on their face in the morning and what they soak it in at night. I'm endlessly fascinated.So, I used 'journalism' as an excuse to find out what some women I really like and admire do to their faces everyday.
Here are their routines: Cleanse with Kiehls Ultra Facial Cleanser, remove with a muslin cloth. Moisturise with Oil Of Olay Total Effects 7-in-1 anti-ageing.I know, there is nothing cool about Oil Of Olay and I'm sure all the skin care gurus are shaking in horror, but it's the only thing I've ever found that doesn't make me break out, so I'm sticking with it.
Repeat, as above.
Sometimes I'll throw in a mask, generally a freebie that someone has sent me. I'm currently playing around with some Elizabeth Arden Advanced Ceramide Daily Youth Restoring Serum, which I was given.I use them in the morning and they do make my skin glow, but I'm also paranoid that they're clogging it.
I don't exfoliate as I find the muslin cloths do that well enough and exfoliators tend to make my already pinky skin bright red. OK, here is the honest truth about my skincare 'routine'. I wish, wish, wish I was a woman who has a proper routine, who completely understands what make her skin glow and who could talk knowledgeably about retinol-pro-cuticle-metaphysical technology, but I've used the same products for years and I'm terrified of changing.
I use Green People fruit scrub on my face while showering, then I pat dry and apply Queen Cosmetics day cream. My skin is really sensitive, and the cream is hypoallergenic.I've used it for seven years and the minute I try another brand, my skin breaks out in spots.
If it's been a long night, I apply Remescar eye cream, which blitzes dark circles and eye bags.It's the only thing I've used which works. If it's sunny, I use Jurlique SPF 40 on my face, but even when it isn't, wooden my NARS tinted moisturiser has factor 30.
It has nothing to do with tanning – I don't want wrinkles or sun spots. It's absolutely baffling when I see 20-somethings sunbathing with no sun protection on their face – there is no cream powerful enough to reverse wrinkles caused by sun damage.I'll remove my make-up with Green People cleansing lotion, which I remove with cotton pads.
I prefer the texture of a cream cleanser, but it doesn't get everything off.I find toner too stripping, even the gentle ones, so I dip a flannel in hot water and wipe it over my face – it's also an extremely soothing action.After patting my skin dry, I apply Queen moisturiser again, but also add a few drops of Liz Earle's Superskin concentrate.
I massage the concentrate into my skin in circles, applying pressure near the lymphatic glands, and then finish off with a little massage near my temples. Once a week, I'll use Lush's Rosy Cheeks face mask, which is soothing and calming for my skin – usually on a Sunday. I like to keep my skincare routine as simple as possible, but that doesn't mean I don't prioritise it or think it's important.
I love my skincare ritual because it doesn't take too much time, but it still is a chance for me to check in with my skin, and room see how I'm feeling.I don't think you need hugely expensive beauty products to have great skin –a lot of that is accomplished with drinking water, good diet choices and being responsible about exposing your skin to the sun.But I do like buying organic or natural products where possible as I think it's kinder to the environment, and your face.
I use either Glossier Milky Jelly cleanser – which I did not expect to like, but a sample completely converted me –or a Neutrogena Grapefruit Wash.I then use a Simple toner to wipe off any traces of oil, followed by Paula's Choice 2% BHA, which really makes my skin smoother and clearer. I always get comments when I've been using it consistently for a while.
Then I use a non-oil containing Simple moisturiser –if I'm not leaving the house or going anywhere important chairs then I add a drop or two of Neal's Yard rose facial oil. The routine is much the same except I'll often use a hot flannel to cleanse as well, and follow up with a heavier moisturiser like the Epara night balm. I think my skincare routine is pretty basic, compared to some that I read about.
I'm very much about using either very science-y brands


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