to the heartless thief who stole my purse - babycenter

I wish this could find its way to the person responsible. Since it can't, I could use some support. It's been an awful week.Dear Purse Thief,Not that it is ever okay to steal from everybody, but it was really crude to steal from a woman who is 6 months pregnant mother and her 3 year old.

My mother, 3 year old, and I were traveling through Portage, Indiana on our way home to Wisconsin. amplifier My mother and I coach for free for a nonprofit group and we were returning home after an exhausting week of competition. The heat index was in the 100's, so I was extremely bloated (all the way up to my knees) due to the intesnse heat and being on my feet all week.
Besides being uncomfortable and in pain when I walked, I was confused and disorientated. We only stopped at the rest stop because my daughter had to use the bathroom. Since we were there, we decided to get something to eat too) If I left the purse at the table we ate at, you could have done the ultimate good deed by returning it to me or just turning it in.
If you spotted me out as an easy target (bloated pregnant woman, 3 year old, and grandma) and took the purse when I wasn't looking, Shame On You!The police told me that chances are, you just took the money and scrapped the purse. If you did that, you might have gotten $100 maximum, which sadly you probably used on beer, cigarettes, and/or drugs). But I don't care about the $100. The value of everything else in my purse/knit sachel was about $300.
I cancelled all of the credit & debit cards that I had in there, so you didn't get that. It was a pain to go all through that, plus I still have to get all new rewards cards (everything from Country Inn to CVS) and insurance cards. I had to pay to get a new Driver's License (which hasn't arrived yet) and a new Library Card (that I can't get until I have my Driver's License card again).
Try explaining to my 3 year old why we can't take books out of the library this week.Not to mention, I have no cash at all (and with no credit cards yet, I have no way of getting it on my own). Our family is on one income and my husband gets paid once a month.
We were so busy cancelling credit cards (and resting my swollen body on Sunday), I forgot to get cash from him. Since only my husband was at home last week, we didn't have much food in the house. I didn't have any money to buy food from the store.
The next day, I drove through the Arby's drive through to treat us for lunch (after she was so sweet and understanding about leaving the library without taking out books?. After I ordered, I realized I didn't have a wallet amplifier and had to tell them to cancel my order because I had "forgotten" my wallet. My daughter wailed all the way home, "I'm hungry.
I just want some food.
" It was heartbreaking.
I raided our coin jar and I returned to pay them with $8.25 in quarters.The purse was cheaper, but I liked it and my mom had given it to me. My mom's $100+ brand-new extra van key was in my purse and now the price to replace it has gone up.
(Plus, I owe her $160 to repair her back bumper that I dinged during the trip). My daughter and I have been having a hard time getting back on Central Time. I just realized today that my digital watch is missing- I haven't worn it all week.
It's three years old, beat, and dirty- but it's alarms and easy-to-read time display were invaluable ways of keeping us on schedule. The watch was a Valentine's Day gift given to me a week before I gave birth to my daughter. The cost home of replacing it is probably about $70 and I will have to reprogram all the alarms and settings.
I liked the two wallets in my purse.
One was 15 years old, but I hadn't found one I liked better. The brush in my purse was the perfect size for a small purse (and was the only small brush that didn't yank my daughter's hair when I used it on her). What a hassle (and expense) to find replace all those items! And who knows what other invaluable items I had crammed in that purse! It will take a few weeks to recreate what I had in there and feel as organized and in control as I did before my purse was stollen.
Not to mention, I have to monitor my credit history carefully (in case someone tries to impersonate me or use my insurance cards). And since my rolladex of business cards was in my wallet, I don't feel safe anymore. Someone knows what I look like, where I live, who all my doctors are, where I get my hair done, where I shop, etc.
Some psycho could be stalking me.
And even if they don't, I am now aware how vulnerable a pregnant woman and her small child is and I don't feel safe being in public alone with my daughter anymore. As for the cash itself, I know a number of people more deserving than you that I would have given the cash to. I owed my mom gas money. amplifier I wish I had given it to her sooner. I wish I would have tipped the waiters and waitresses more than the 15-20% I tipped them.
Most were extrordinary and deserved more tips. I was asked to donate to several charities and I could have given $1 or $2 every time. I didn't because I was worried about not having enough money to feed my daughter and I on the way home.
Stealing money from me didn't mean you were poor, it means you are low-class. Because I am not a rich person, I could never steal money from someone and do this to them. Over the past 20 years, I have turned in about 4-5 purses and wallets.
I even know families with several kids who can't afford to buy amplifier them Christmas gifts (while I was growing up, my mother used our electricity/heating bill money to buy their kids gifts.) These families (as poor as they are) would never steal someone's hard-earned money.I know you probably don't care. Otherwise, you would have turned in the purse or taken the money and left the purse there.
However, this has been one of the worst weeks in my life. I just thought you should know how stealing from someone is more than a mild inconvenience to them and I hope you think about that next time you think about stealing from someone else.Sincerely,The pregnant woman and 3 year old you stole fromI'd love some support.
It felt therapeutic just to write this.
My husband is going on a last


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